Hey! It's Carla Bruno from CarlasCakes! This recipe is my all-time favorite, and although it might sound hard to make, it's easy once you get the hang...
Healthy, delicious, thick sauce made with simple fresh ingredients reminiscent of a bruschetta topping cover a grilled mild white fish. I like to serve...
Spicy miso and mushroom ramen, an outstanding as well as distinguished noodle soup dish, is a national obsession in Japan. Though the dish was originally...
The problem with bottled sauces and marinades is that the only words you recognize on the ingredients list are 'high fructose corn syrup,' and 'dehydrated...
This is a delicious version of Eton Mess with chopped Spanish persimmons, crushed raspberries and pomegranate seeds, whipped cream and broken meringues....
Good for your dog's teeth. You can also add your dog's favorite flavors like peanut butter, apples, etc. Make the treats into whatever shape you want....
This vegan cheese tastes like cheese and has a strong cheese aftertaste. The glutinous flour creates the firm and slightly chewy texture of melted cheese....
German cooking is not just Brats and Kraut! This is a delicious, regional dish from the area of Germany that borders Belgium. I'm German and it's one of...
My mother created this recipe to mimic a stroganoff we loved at a local steak restaurant in Toronto. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as we do. Serve over...
Date night dinner perfected! Kale and mushroom stroganoff is one of my favorites to make for it. It's so hearty and delicious but a lot healthier than...
I had a moose roast sitting in my freezer for a couple of months, because I had no idea how to cook it, not being a wild game fan. A friend suggested this...
Amazingly flavorful taco 'meat' made with quinoa, smoky seasonings, and salsa, right in the Instant Pot®! Baked until hot and crispy. A great substitute...
Frozen strawberries are blended with a handful of simple ingredients to make this vegan, dairy-free treat that's perfect for a hot day. Top with additional...
This is so easy, so cheap, and filling. It is great for first time cooks, and what to do with leftover mashed potatoes. Kids can make these. You can easily...
I love my weeknight chuck roast that cooks all day in the slow cooker. Just season and add to your slow cooker and when you come home dinner is waiting!...
This recipe is very easy and makes delicious bratwurst. My guests always ask for these during football season. You won't be able to get enough onions and...
The non-meat eaters in my family love this recipe and request it at family meals, especially at Thanksgiving. Serve this with mashed potatoes or whipped...
This is a hearty main dish loaf that is an easy and tasty vegetarian substitute for turkey at Thanksgiving or Christmas, or on a cold winter night. My...
This recipe is very easy and makes delicious bratwurst. My guests always ask for these during football season. You won't be able to get enough onions and...
This is my own creation. It is both tasty and healthy. It looks great on Christmas plates. The couscous is off-white, the peppers are green and red; the...
When I was a child, I could never enjoy the fried or smothered liver that Mom made because I didn't like liver. As an adult, wishing to please a liver-loving...
When I was a child, I could never enjoy the fried or smothered liver that Mom made because I didn't like liver. As an adult, wishing to please a liver-loving...
Not being from the Gulf Coast but living here now, I love the Cajun Roast Beef you can get in the delis right alongside the regular. Distinctively garlicky,...
There's no excuse to skip breakfast or have a sad lunch. Follow this easy formula for a grain bowl that packs fiber, protein, and flavor into a full meal...
Was there ever a child any more disappointed than when Charlie (in "The Santa Clause" movie) was informed the restaurant was out of chocolate milk? With...
I wanted to make my own baby food, and found that this base turned out a good product that the boys liked. And I could add variation depending on what...
This recipe is very easy and makes delicious bratwurst. My guests always ask for these during football season. You won't be able to get enough onions and...
Not being from the Gulf Coast but living here now, I love the Cajun Roast Beef you can get in the delis right alongside the regular. Distinctively garlicky,...
While trying to eat healthy, I kept stuffing my face with my children's over-processed store-bought granola bars as they were around and so yummy. I came...